Local Vet and ER Services
The following is a listing of veterinarians in the Athens area. Please ask around for references and to see which vet may be the best fit for your needs.
Allen Pet Clinic, 6 Johnson Rd., The Plains, OH, 740-797-4755
Athens Veterinary Clinic, 16 Pomeroy Road, Athens, OH
740- 593-8544
Guardian Animal Clinic, 530 W Union St Suite C, Athens, OH 740-592-4282
Kroner Animal Care Center, 6301 Ervin Road, Athens, OH, 740-592-1982
Logan Animal Clinic (Dr. Sandy Hern)
161 Iron St., Logan, OH 740-385-4565
Meigs Veterinary Clinic, 247 Mulberry Ave, Pomeroy, OH 45769, (740) 992-6653
Ohio Valley Animal Clinic of Athens, Della Drive, Athens, OH, 740-447-5022
Ohio Valley Animal Clinic, 39350 Union Ave, Pomeroy, OH, 740-444-5898
The Plains Veterinary Hospital (now owned by Dr. Kroner), 71 S. Plains Rd, The Plains, OH, 740-797-3344
Emergency Clinics
Lancaster Animal Clinic
Phone: 740-687-1591
Hours: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday
closed on Sundays
After-hours emergency service: Call the number listed above and a veterinarian will be paged and call you back.
Address: 1311 River Valley Blvd, Lancaster OH
Website: Lancaster Animal Clinic
Canal Winchester:
MedVet Diley Hill Animal Emergency Clinic
Phone: 614-829-6444
Hours: Open 24hrs/day.
Address: 9695 Basil Western Rd
Canal Winchester, OH 43110
Website: Diley Hill
OSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Phone: 614-292-3551
Companion Animal Emergency Service: 8 a.m. – midnight daily
Address: 601 Vernon L. Tharp Street, Columbus OH
Website: OSU
Capital Veterinary Referral and Emergency Center
Phone: 614-870-0480
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 24 hours on all holidays.
Address: 5230 Renner Rd, Columbus OH
Website: MedVet Hilliard
Phone: 614-846-5800
Hours: 24 hours a day, seven days a week; no referral necessary
Address: 300 E. Wilson Bridge Road, Columbus OH
Website: MedVet Columbus